On both days you get 2 hours for just

Both cash and card accepted. Pay as you go.
Salsa classes - LA style
This is our new schedule
Every Tuesday 20:00 2hrs
Church hall beside Holy Trinity & St Jude's, Free School Lane, HX1 2XE. Some parking immediately outside the hall, and free street parking.
Bring your own drink, or a drink vessel, you can top up your water bottle on site.
Bring a pair of dry shoes with as little grip to floor as possible.
We begin by absolute basics. If you have never danced before, you want to be there on time. We will spend about 30 minutes on it. Ask your questions, find your feet, learn to mambo. If you are more advanced you can still benefit from this intro as I drop many technique, speed and efficiency tips and a little bit of musicality.
After a short break we will go into partnerwork. Basic patterns to varied style and speed of music. There will be a lot of repetitions as we are trying to trigger your muscle memory to do the job for you so that you can focus on having fun.
​First time learning to partner dance?
Here's a few tips
1 SHOES - ones that won't slip off, or flap about. Check if you are able to comfortably stand on tiptoes in them. Make your life easier and don't wear shoes with a strong grip on the floor, avoid rubber soles. You don't need to spend a fortune on dance shoes, just chuck a couple pairs of lightweight shoes you already have, in a bag, and test them on site.
2 Leave your jewellery at home, watches can tangle in partners hair, earrings can get caught on partners sleeve etc
3 Wear whatever clothes you fancy, as long as you're comfortable
4 Don't stress. There is no exam or judges. We are learning to dance socially, i.e. for fun, not for competitions.
Intermediate/Advanced dancers are welcome to this class, but must not presume to teach the person in front of them. It will come across as patronising even with best intentions. Focus on your own progress and let everyone else work on theirs at their own pace. We regularly have several advanced dancers attending this class to work on basics or learn to switch roles and Tuesday attendants have Wednesday free.
Intermediate level
Every Wednesday at 19:30 for 2hrs
In the hall of Christ Church, sitting on the corner of Wakefield Road and A644, Hipperholme, HX3 8EA
Look it up on a map, it is very easy to drive by entrance to the carpark. If you do, just turn back round on the Tesco express carpark. You are looking for Christ Church parking coming off Wakefield Road, it is immediately next to the lights.
Our hall is in the first building to your right as you enter through gate.
We are focusing on safe, comfortable technique, polite leading and active following. We are learning a move variations rather than a routine and the move might be different for people of different abilities. This is much more of a challenge than Wednesday class and practiced to fast music. You can view the kind of moves we cover on our YouTube channel (click the eye at the top of this page).
We begin by recap on last week, to aid muscle memory and to polish what we have learnt to work on detail. Then learn something brand new. Sometimes we learn party tricks instead of new moves and laugh our heads off. And sometimes there's cake.
​We learn for 2hrs with a break around 20:30.
Bring your own drink and dry shoes that allow you to spin - that goes for leaders too.
Wear whatever you want, just avoid jewellery or cuffs that could catch on partner's hair.
If you only know bare basics, but cannot attend Tuesday, please get in touch and I'll do my best to prepare an easy version of the move taught - it will still challenge you a lot, but nobody will be rushing you so don't panic and just pick the bits that stick until they make sense.
As with the Tuesday class, if you find yourself thinking you know more than the person in front of you, and feel tempted to advice them on how to do the particular move - don't.